The UK's
Real Estate Marketplace
The challenge
Building an identity for a company seeking to enter an industry as consolidated and static as Real Estate, is
known to be challenging.
However, List4Free takes a different approach from typical Real Estate market players, as it seeks to connect buyers
to sellers, in a modern, innovative way.
The brand has to convey the image of trust-worthiness and solidity,
but not fail to acknowledge the modern, innovative approach the company is brining to the market.
The wordmark
Through the use of Negative Space, the number 4 in "List4Free", was incorporated in the wordmark, while preserving legibility.
List4Free Wordmark
Compact version of wordmark.
Business Card
Stylised representative icon
Creating a intuitive website experience
List4Free provides users the opportunity of direct and safe trade till they reach to a deal. The User Experience was designed around this deeply-rooted idea.
Homepage Interface
Explore Screen - View properties near area
List Your Property Screen
Property Page - View property details